Kevin Stein
Sr. Vice President, Social Business at Strategic Partners, Inc.
Winston Perez is a visionary whose achievement as founder of the field of Concept Modeling is a secret weapon for those in the know. In the future, I have no doubt that Concept Modeling will become the Rosetta Stone of business strategy.
Today, it is the smart choice of forward thinking companies and managers in every industry who want to leverage Concept Modeling to unlock the code to innovating brand and marketing success, generating revenue, and establishing themselves as thought leaders.
I have had the privilege of collaborating with Winston for the last several decades during which time I have benefited greatly from the association and insight derived from his groundbreaking approach. In particular, I have found its relevance to entertainment and technology fields to have been transformative and have made me look like a genius to my clients over-and-over again.
I have also had the privilege of sharing in watching the evolution of his forthcoming book, which promises to set the bar as the bible on strategy and beyond for business books in the future.less

Liz Heller
CEO Buzztone
“Concept Modeling is at the heart of every business, every technology and every brand. It’s essential to work on the idea itself.”
“Get the concept right and the strategy, sales and profits are sure to follow.”

Nicholas Reed
Former agent, Oscar winning Producer and Social Marketing Entrepreneur
What more can I say than Winston helped me win an OSCAR! I have been in the entertainment business for 20 years at the very highest level and I have NEVER met anyone that has his depth of insight. His ability to simplify, to explain why the audience will connect or disconnect to your film, to focus and help you understand the core concepts of your film, is breathtaking. With my Oscar winning documentary he made some simple comments which seemed so obvious the moment he made them. I won’t do a project without him.

Robbie Brenner
President of Film THE FIRM
“Winston is the best at what he does, and his models have been used as an invaluable tool in many films I have made.” Robbie Brenner's credits include Dallas Buyers Club, Immortals, Out of the Furnace and many others.

Leo Nitzberg
Co-Founder Black Widow Group
Winston not only helped to transform and skyrocket my early career, but he has been instrumental in reinventing the way that our company approaches business. He is a true visionary with a distinct sense of the future and a keen understanding of how to maximize the present moment. He has become a friend, a colleague and someone I admire infinitely.

Tammy Glover Park
Former VP of Comedy Central, SVP of FremantleMedia and current Production Executive at TNT/tbs
Concept Modeling is DNA for ideas. It unlocks the essence of story,
characters, strategies and people so they can be understood on a cellular
level. Winstonʼs approach is a Game Changer because, once core
concepts are aligned, they resonate on a deeper level: stories become
more cohesive; characters become more real; audiences are more
engaged; and business strategies are revolutionized.

Lisa Crane
Former CEO Soundbreak
Winston -- thank you for all your help over the years with organizational
development, business strategy, and concept modeling. I found all of it to be
very practical and useful. It's interesting to look back at the various concepts we
discussed and began to develop -- many of them have found their way into the
current marketplace and some are hugely successful!

Michael J. Januzik
CFO, American Jewish Federation (former CFO, Cal Endowment)
Winston, your unique concept modeling work enabled me to better leverage my work
experiences by providing a focused, strategic platform from which to coach my team and
drive value for our organization. Great work - thanks!

Jill Culter
Former President, Irwin Productions (Former CAA agent)
Winston, your concept modeling is clearly the future; your insight into how ideas and
concepts work is a step ahead of the rest. And working with you is always insightful and

Elvira, Cassandra Petersen
Winston, the character concept modeling you did on Elvira
was truly insightful and captured my character better than
any other Hollywood technique. Thanx

Stephen Ashkin
Founder & CEO Sustainability Dashboard Tools
Winston had the uncanny ability to get to the core essence of what we were doing. His concept work uncovered even deeper, hidden potential within our business. It was exciting for us. He was enormously helpful and I would recommend him and his Concept Modeling work to any growing company, large or small.